We have array [“javascript”, “jest”, “fajny”, 1, 2, 3]. Let’s see what’s happends, if we want to copy it and assign it do variable, and next modify it:
Read More How to copy an array in javascript?Author: Joanna
How to sort array of numbers in javascript?
By sorting an array of numbers and using the built-in sort() function, you’ll definitely notice that, by default, sorting doesn’t go from smallest to largest, but alphabetically.
Read More How to sort array of numbers in javascript?How to clear (remove all items from) array in javascript?
Nested StackNavigator inside DrawerNavigator – React Native
React Native applications often use two or more navigators at once. At first, I had a problem with the combination of stack navigator and drawer navigator, fortunately I combined them in way, that they work properly and now I can share this knowledge.
Read More Nested StackNavigator inside DrawerNavigator – React NativeHow to open drawer navigator from header of stack navigator?
Passing drawer navigator to the stack navigator header is pretty easy, though it might seem difficult. It is seen by the number of questions asked on programming portals. Therefore, I will present here a shortened version of the code that will show how to achieve this effect.
Read More How to open drawer navigator from header of stack navigator?React Native DrawerNavigator example
If you have problem with understanding how Drawer navigation works, this short tutorial will help you implement DrawerNavigator into your application
Read More React Native DrawerNavigator exampleReact Native StackNavigator example
Simple React Native StackNavigator Tutorial – navigating between screens
Mobile applications often use more than one screen to properly present data. How can we create more than one screen? That’s what StackNavigator is for.
To use navigation between screens, you must install a library called react-navigation in your project folder. You can do it by entering the following commands:
Read More React Native StackNavigator exampleReact Native persist data. Saving and reading data from AsyncStorage
In previous post: React Native editable list I showed, how to edit data of single element on list. The edited data was saved to the component state, which allowed it to be displayed on the screen. However, when you close the application, the data resets and are not saved. How to change that? AsyncStorage will help.
Read More React Native persist data. Saving and reading data from AsyncStorageHow to pass data from child component to parent component in React Native?
How to update parent state from child component in React Native ?
Passing data from child component to parent component is easy. When we place child component in parent’s content we must use function (sets in parent component and invoked in child component), which sets data in the parent’s component state, when action is made in child’s component, e.g. by clicking the button. The diagram is as follows:
Read More How to pass data from child component to parent component in React Native?React Native modal example
The Modal component has many applications. Often it is used as a “window” in which you can perform additional actions, which results can be viewed on the screen. Modal can be used e.g. as a login window, information window or window with options to choose from.
Read More React Native modal example